Capa Tabela de Revendas - Empresa de Pneus
Cover for Tire Company Re-Sale Booklet
Cover for Tire Company Re-Sale Booklet
Capa criada para capa de uma tabela de revendas de uma empresa de pneus. A capa tinha que respeitar ao tema dado pela empresa, "Um mundo melhor depende de todos" e tinha que conter pneus com o rodado específico de alguns dos pneus vendidos pela empresa.
A imagem foi criada através da conjugação de vários elementos provenientes de outras imagens, o céu foi retirado de uma stock-image, a relva foi criada através de uma foto tirada por mim e os pneus foram criados através de imagens fornecidas pela empresa, tal como se poderá ver abaixo.
Cover created for a re-sale booklet from a tire company. The cover should contain elements that respected to the theme given by the company, "A better world depends on everyone", as well as, the tires that were sold by the company.
The image was created by combining various elements from other images, the sky was made from a stock image, the grass was made from a photo taken by me, and the tires were made from images provided by the company, as shown on one of the images below.
A imagem foi criada através da conjugação de vários elementos provenientes de outras imagens, o céu foi retirado de uma stock-image, a relva foi criada através de uma foto tirada por mim e os pneus foram criados através de imagens fornecidas pela empresa, tal como se poderá ver abaixo.
Cover created for a re-sale booklet from a tire company. The cover should contain elements that respected to the theme given by the company, "A better world depends on everyone", as well as, the tires that were sold by the company.
The image was created by combining various elements from other images, the sky was made from a stock image, the grass was made from a photo taken by me, and the tires were made from images provided by the company, as shown on one of the images below.